🎥 Video API¶
Human friendly interface to V4L2 (Video 4 Linux 2) subsystem.
Bases: Exception
Video for linux 2 error
InfoEx(device: Device)
Bases: DeviceHelper
video_standards: list[Standard]
List of video standards for the active input
Frame(data: bytes, buff: raw.v4l2_buffer, format: Format)
The resulting object from an acquisition.
EventReader(device: Device, max_queue_size=100)
Wait for next event or return last event in queue
FrameReader(device: Device, raw_read: Callable[[], Buffer], max_queue_size: int = 1)
aread() -> Frame
Wait for next frame or return last frame
create_buffers(fd, format: raw.v4l2_format, memory: Memory, count: int) -> raw.v4l2_create_buffers
Create buffers for Memory Mapped or User Pointer or DMA Buffer I/O
convert_to_ctypes_array(lst, depth, ctype)
Convert a list (arbitrary depth) to a ctypes array.
request_and_query_buffer(fd, buffer_type: BufferType, memory: Memory) -> raw.v4l2_buffer
request + query buffers
request_and_query_buffers(fd, buffer_type: BufferType, memory: Memory, count: int) -> list[raw.v4l2_buffer]
request + query buffers
create_mmap_buffers(fd, buffer_type: BufferType, memory: Memory, count: int) -> list[mmap.mmap]
create buffers + mmap_from_buffer
iter_video_files(path: PathLike = '/dev') -> Iterable[Path]
Returns an iterator over all video files
iter_devices(path: PathLike = '/dev', **kwargs) -> Iterable[Device]
Returns an iterator over all video devices
iter_video_capture_files(path: PathLike = '/dev') -> Iterable[Path]
Returns an iterator over all video files that have CAPTURE capability
iter_video_capture_devices(path: PathLike = '/dev', **kwargs) -> Iterable[Device]
Returns an iterator over all video devices that have CAPTURE capability
iter_video_output_files(path: PathLike = '/dev') -> Iterable[Path]
Some drivers (ex: v4l2loopback) don't report being output capable so that apps like zoom recognize them as valid capture devices so some results might be missing
iter_video_output_devices(path: PathLike = '/dev', **kwargs) -> Iterable[Device]
Returns an iterator over all video devices that have VIDEO OUTPUT capability