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Developers corner


A linux OS and python >= 3.9.

From within your favorite python environment:

$ pip install linuxpy[dev]

Additionally, to run the code generation tool you'll need castxml installed on your system.

On a debian based run:

$ apt install castxml

Code generation

This project uses an internal simple code generator that reads linux kernel header files and produces several ctypes based python files for each sub-system.

To re-generate these files for a newer linux kernel (or fix a bug) you'll need linux header files installed on your system + black.

To launch the tool call:

$ python -m linuxpy.codegen.cli

Running tests

Some video tests will only run with a properly configured v4l2loopback.

$ sudo modprobe v4l2loopback video_nr=199 card_label="Loopback 199"

Additionally the user which runs the tests will need read/write access to /dev/video199. On most systems this can be achieved by adding the user to the video group:

$ sudo addgroup $USER video

Some input tests require the user which runs the tests to have read/write access to /dev/uinput. On most systems this can be achieved by adding the user to the input group:

$ sudo addgroup $USER input